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R: caching/memoise for environments

nI would like to use memoization to cache the results of certain expensive operations so that they are not computed over and over again.

Both memoise and R.cache fit my needs. However, I am finding that caching is not robust across calls.

Here is an example that demonstrates the problem I'm seeing:


# Memoisation works: b() is called only once
a <- function(x) runif(1)
replicate(5, a())
b <- memoise(a)
replicate(5, b())

# Memoisation fails: mfn() is called every single time
ProtoTester <- proto(
  calc = function(.) {
    fn <- function() print(runif(1))
    mfn <- memoise(fn)
replicate(5, ProtoTester$calc())

Updated based on answer

This question can have different answers based on whether persistent or non-persistent caching is used. Non-persistent caching (such as memoise) may require single assignment and then the answer below is a nice way to go. Persistent caching (such as R.cache) works across sessions and should be robust with respect to multiple assignments. The approach above works with R.cache. Despite the multiple assignments, fn is only called once with R.cache. It would be called twice with memoise.

> ProtoTester <- proto(
+     calc = function(.) {
+         fn <- function() print(runif(1))
+         invisible(memoizedCall(fn))
+     }      
+ )
> replicate(5, ProtoTester$calc())
[1] 0.977563
[1] 0.1279641
[1] 0.01358866
[1] 0.9993092
[1] 0.3114813
[1] 0.97756303 0.12796408 0.01358866 0.99930922 0.31148128
> ProtoTester <- proto(
+     calc = function(.) {
+         fn <- function() print(runif(1))
+         invisible(memoizedCall(fn))
+     }      
+ )
> replicate(5, ProtoTester$calc())
[1] 0.97756303 0.12796408 0.01358866 0.99930922 0.31148128

The reason why I thought I had a problem with R.cache is that I was passing a proto method as the function to memoizedCall. proto methods are bound to environments in ways that R.cache has a hard time with. What you have to do in this case is unbind the function (get from an instantiated method to a simple function) and then pass the object manually as the first argument. The following example shows how this works (both Report and Report$loader are proto objects:

# This will not memoize the call

# This works as intended
memoizedCall(with(Report$loader, download_report), Report$loader)

I'd love to know why R.cache works with normal functions bound to environments but fails with proto instantiated methods.


  • In your code, the function is memoized anew each time it is called. The following should work: it is only memoized once, when it is defined.

    ProtoTester <- proto(
      calc = {
        fn <- function() print(runif(1))
        mfn <- memoise(fn)
        function(.) mfn()
    replicate(5, ProtoTester$calc())