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Is it possible to substitute body of existing method in UIWebView without subclassing

I am interesting if it possible to substitute the method body of UIWebView in a runtime? I can't subclass UIWebView

For instance, I need to implement:

- (void) paste:(id)sender;
- (BOOL) canPerformAction:(SEL)action withSender:(id)sender;


  • Have you tried out the runtime method method_setImplementation?

    Like so:

    static IMP originalPaste = NULL;
    void myPaste(id rcv, SEL cmd, id sender)
        // Your implementation here
        Method m = class_getInstanceMethod([UIWebView class], @selector(paste:));
        originalPaste = method_setImplementation(m, myPaste);

    Using the originalPaste you can perform a super call within your implementation.