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Why doesn't the click handler work on this Raphael object?

My current project is a heat map of the United States:

It's rendered with the help of Raphael and a couple of prepackaged libraries to generate the paths for the states. At some point in my code, I generate an array of references to the Raphael object representing each state; then I iterate over them, attaching a click handler to each (the actual Raphael object is stored in using Raphael's .click() method:

Heatmap.prototype.stateClick = function() {
  var projection, 
      _this = this;
  for (state in this.projections) {
    projection = this.projections[state];
    (function(state, projection) { {
        _this.overlay.update(state, _this.states[state]);
    })(state, projection);

This works fine for 48 of the 50 states. However, for some reason, Alaska (AK) and Oklahoma (OK) don't seem to get the click handler - that is, when I click them, nothing happens.

Watching the console for the output of the console.log calls in the code above, I can't see any differences between the Raphael objects for AK & OK from any other state's object, so I'm baffled as to what the cause may be.

Can anyone determine or guess what's happening, or maybe suggest how I might debug this further? Is there anything about how these shapes are drawn (e.g., maybe not with fully closed paths?) that may cause the click handler to fail to attach?


  • Sheesh, figured it out. I had made a typo in the state code for Alaska (AK), instead using OK. That explains why those were the two problem states. I was digging into this for well over an hour until after a break, with a fresh set of eyes, I spotted the typo immediately.