I have a list of tuples in Python that I would like to output to a table in reStructuredText.
The docutils library has great support for converting reStructuredText to other formats, but I want to write directly from a data structure in memory to reStructuredText.
I'm not aware of any libraries to output RST from python data structures, but it's pretty easy to format it yourself. Here's an example of formatting a list of python tuples to an RST table:
>>> data = [('hey', 'stuff', '3'),
('table', 'row', 'something'),
('xy', 'z', 'abc')]
>>> numcolumns = len(data[0])
>>> colsizes = [max(len(r[i]) for r in data) for i in range(numcolumns)]
>>> formatter = ' '.join('{:<%d}' % c for c in colsizes)
>>> rowsformatted = [formatter.format(*row) for row in data]
>>> header = formatter.format(*['=' * c for c in colsizes])
>>> output = header + '\n' + '\n'.join(rowsformatted) + '\n' + header
>>> print output
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hey stuff 3
table row something
xy z abc
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