I have this piece of code for email verification :
function VerifRegisterEmail(&$email) {
if(empty($email)) {
return false;
$pattern_email = '^[[:alnum:]\.-_]+@[[:alnum:]\.-_]+\.[[:alpha:]]{2, 3}$';
if(!ereg('^[[:alnum:]\.-_]+@[[:alnum:]\.-_]+\.[[:alpha:]]{2, 3}$', $email)) {
echo "emaill";
return false;
return true;
From this i get this error:
Warning: ereg() [function.ereg]: REG_BADBR in C:\Program Files\EasyPHP 2.0b1\www\polydotnet\controler\verif_formulaire.php on line 35
emaill- Email incorrecte
Any clue ?
The space in {2, 3} is causing the problem. Make it {2,3}. Silly, I know.