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Why don't I get a defined value from LWP::UserAgent->new()?

I get this error while using cookie_jar method:

Can't call method cookie_jar on an undefined value

Here is my code:

my $cookie_jar= new HTTP::Cookies;
my $ua=new LWP::UserAgent;
my %cookies= fetch CGI::Cookie;
my $encoded=$cookies{'SCred'};
$cookie_jar->set_cookie(1, "SCred", $encoded, "/", $SSO_DOMAIN,  "", 0, 0, 60*60, 0);
$ua->cookie_jar($cookie_jar); # I get error on this line

Any idea why I get this error?


  • I've tried your code (with strict, warnings and what I think are the required modules, with turning the free variables into strings):

    kyle@indigo64 ~[home*]$ cat
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use HTTP::Cookies;
    use LWP::UserAgent;
    use CGI::Cookie;
    my $ua         = new LWP::UserAgent;
    my %cookies    = fetch CGI::Cookie;
    my $encoded    = $cookies{'SCred'};
    my $cookie_jar = new HTTP::Cookies;
      1, "SCred", '$encoded',
      "/", '$SSO_DOMAIN',  "",
      0, 0, 60*60, 0
    print "ua: ",$ua,"\n";
    print "ua->cookie_jar: ",$ua->cookie_jar,"\n";
    mortis@indigo64 ~[home*]$ perl
    ua: LWP::UserAgent=HASH(0x82f8cc8)
    ua->cookie_jar: HTTP::Cookies=HASH(0x82f8b84)
    kyle@indigo64 ~[home*]$ 

    and it works. You might want to either post a fuller example, or are there lines between the '$ua = new...' and the '$ua->cookie_jar' lines where $ua is re-assigned or otherwise set to undef? If you print the value of '$ua' just before the call to cookie_jar you should see that it's undef, it must be being reset somewhere between the first assignment and where you are calling that method.