I have an object subclass which implements a dynamic dispatch __ iter __
using a caching generator (I also have a method for invalidating the iter cache) like so:
def __iter__(self):
print("iter called")
if self.__iter_cache is None:
iter_seen = {}
iter_cache = []
for name in self.__slots:
value = self.__slots[name]
iter_seen[name] = True
item = (name, value)
yield item
for d in self.__dc_list:
for name, value in iter(d):
if name not in iter_seen:
iter_seen[name] = True
item = (name, value)
yield item
self.__iter_cache = iter_cache
print("iter cache hit")
for item in self.__iter_cache:
yield item
It seems to be working... Are there any gotchas I may not be aware of? Am I doing something ridiculous?
It seems like a very fragile approach. It is enough to change any of __slots, __dc_list, __iter_cache during active iteration to put the object into an inconsistent state.
You need either to forbid changing the object during iteration or generate all cache items at once and return a copy of the list.