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How can I trigger an itemEditEnd Event in a Flex List when the CheckBox is checked/unchecked?

I have a List component that has drop-in CheckBox itemEditor that also serves as the itemRenderer. It displays each item as a simple CheckBox with a label.

However, the itemEditEnd Event does not get triggered until I click on something outside of the List. I want it triggered once the CheckBox is checked or unchecked.

I was thinking of manually dispatching the ListEvent.ITEM_EDIT_END in a CLICK Event handler, but then the itemEditEnd Event would get dispatched twice. There's gotta be a better way to do this.

Any ideas?



  • Here is the solution I came up with. I changed my List to use the component as an itemRenderer only, not as a itemRenderer and itemEditor. I then added a MouseEvent.CLICK handler to call a function in the List from the itemRenderer to perform the necessary actions:

    My List Component:

        import mx.controls.List;
        import mx.core.ClassFactory;
        public class CustomCheckBoxList extends List
            public function CustomCheckBoxList()
                itemRenderer = new ClassFactory(CheckBoxRenderer);
            public function dispatchSelectionEvent(item:Object, selected:Boolean):void
                // Take action here...

    My ItemRenderer:

        import mx.controls.CheckBox;
        public class CheckBoxRenderer extends CheckBox
            public function CheckBoxRenderer()
            override protected function clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                CustomCheckBoxList(listData.owner).dispatchSelectionEvent(data, selected);