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SWbemServices.ExecQuery - "Invalid Parameter" when adding a WHERE clause

I have the following JavaScript to execute a WMI query on a remote Windows host:

var wmiLocator = WScript.CreateObject("WbemScripting.Swbemlocator");
var wmiService = wmiLocator.ConnectServer(host, "root\\cimv2", user, pass);

var items = wmiService.ExecQuery(query);

for(var e = new Enumerator(items); ! e.atEnd(); e.moveNext())

user and pass are the login credentials for the remote host, query is the WQL query to be performed.

This all works fine until I add a WHERE clause to the WQL query. For instance,

SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk

yields the expected result, but

SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE DriveType=3

will result in an "Invalid Parameter" error (wbemErrInvalidParameter / 0x80041008).

I've found numerous examples in which WHERE clauses are used, and I cannot find any info about it not being supported. Am I missing something here?

In case it is any relevant, the host executing this script is a Windows XP Professional with SP2.


  • As hinted by Helen, I am answering this myself.

    The query string was changed by some parsing I did earlier in my script and became syntactically invalid, hence the invalid parameter error.