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Rendering C1 functions in an external page - data missing

I have a sub-application (YetAnotherForum.NET) living in a child directory of my Composite C1 site. In order to maintain a consistent look and feel I want to pull in C1 functions for the navigation elements.

Note: All html mark-up in code below has had pointy brackets replaced with square brackets in order to allow posting here.

I've figured out I can call C1 functions using this syntax:

[f:function ID="Function1" name="Custom.Layout.FooterLinks" runat="server"/]

However, the data behind the function seems to be unavailable. Any ideas what the data issue might be? Perhaps I need the external page to inherit from some form of Composite C1 page?

Here's the function code:

@using Composite.Data;
@using Composite.Data.Types;
@using Composite.Data.ProcessControlled.ProcessControllers.GenericPublishProcessController;

@using CompositeC1Contrib.RazorFunctions;

@inherits CompositeC1WebPage

@functions {
    private IEnumerable FooterLinkPages()
        IEnumerable pages = DataFacade.GetData();
        IEnumerable returnPages;

        using (DataConnection connection = new DataConnection())
            returnPages = (from l in connection.Get()
                           join p in pages on l.Page equals p.Id
                           where l.PublicationStatus == GenericPublishProcessController.Published
                            && p.PublicationStatus == GenericPublishProcessController.Published
                           orderby l.Position ascending
                           select p).ToList();

        return returnPages;

[ul class="unstyled"]
@foreach (IPage page in FooterLinkPages())
    [li]@(String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(page.MenuTitle) ? page.Title : page.MenuTitle)[/a][/li]


  • You need to wrap the data access code in:

        using (DataScope localeScope = new DataScope(new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-NZ")))