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Localization. Extending ASP.NET Resx Resource Provider

For my website I have a custom resource provider for localization purposes (localized strings are stored in database). It works just fine, but I would like it to work with the default Resx Resource Provider: look up localized string in resx resources and if doesn't exist then pull it from the database.

But it looks that as soon as I change IIS globalization setting to use my own resource provider factory, then the default resx resource provider factory gets ignored.

I guess the solution would be to extend my own resource provider, but I can't find how to reference resx resources from inside of my resource provider.



  • Edit

    My answer below is wrong, as pointed out in the comments. You can get the ResXResourceProviderFactory by using reflection as follows.

    IResourceProvider resxProvider;
    string typeName = "System.Web.Compilation.ResXResourceProviderFactory, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a";
    ResourceProviderFactory factory = (ResourceProviderFactory)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(typeName));
    resxProvider = factory.CreateGlobalResourceProvider(classKey);

    (Similar method to get the Local resources provider.)

    Then, to get a resource, all that's needed is to call GetObject:

    object resource = p.GetObject("ResourceKey", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en"));

    You can use the GetGlobalResourceObject and GetLocalResourceObject methods (part of the HttpContext class) to work with .ResX files within your custom localization classes.

    For example, to get a resource called "ResourceKey" from "MyResxFile.resx" (under *App_GlobalResources*), for the current culture, you would use this:
