It seems like Windows 8 is all about developers. But I didn't realize a small thing: can Visual Studio 2012 be launched on Intel-based Surface, like on my Win8-driven, Intel-based notebook?
Hardware specs are absolutely enough, the whole ideology looks like leading to "programming everywhere", there are a few simple IDEs even for iPad, we'll certainly have some dev tools when Ubuntu will be installed on Surface. But what about Visual Studio itself? Is there any info?
It's not very comfortable to develop everything on Surface, but sometimes the idea touches you in the bus, and it's nice to have a full-featured tool with all your current projects at your hand.
I would say Windows 8 Pro, and devices like the Surface tablet, are all about being useful in any context. You probably won't code in visual studio while sitting on the couch, but you can certainly use the same machine (docked and attached to external monitor(s) and input devices) to code at a desk. It will run any application at any time, but the Metro UI is all about making 'tablet' contexts more efficient and usable.