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How to use AutoSeriesGenerator with MVVM Visiblox

I am following the example at this tutorial: But unfortunately their documentation is so vague I can't get anything working properly.

What I am trying to do is use AutoSeriesGenerator to create a new series automatically for me and also add that lineseries to a primary Y Axis. I am hoping some of you have a good experience with Visiblox. Here is how I thought their example should be represented in C#:

 <local:WeatherStationsData x:Key="dataCollection">
                <local:HourTemperature Hour="1" Temperature="10" />
                <local:HourTemperature Hour="2" Temperature="14" />
                <local:HourTemperature Hour="1" Temperature="20" />
                <local:HourTemperature Hour="2" Temperature="19" />

    <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
      <charts:Chart x:Name="Chart"
                    charts:AutoSeriesGenerator.ItemsSource="{StaticResource dataCollection}">
                <charts:LinearAxis />
                <charts:LinearAxis />

  //X and Y points
   public class ChartDataPoint
        public DateTime X { get; set; }
        public float Y { get; set; }
        public ChartDataPoint(DateTime X, float Y)
            this.X = X;
            this.Y = Y;

  //represents a dataseries - collection of datapoints
   public class DataPointsCollection : ObservableCollection<ChartDataPoint>
 //the "dataseries"
 public class DataSeries : ObservableCollection<DataPointsCollection>

But it isn't working as expected.

       public IChartSeries CreateSeries(object targetParent, object boundObject)
                LineSeries lineSeries = null;

                if (targetParent is LineSeries)
                    lineSeries = new LineSeries();
                    lineSeries.YAxis = new LinearAxis();
                return lineSeries;

Their documentation says targetObject is business object that the IChartSeries is wrapped around. But what I am getting instead of the object is a collection! And that method is always called multiple times, which means it generates a lot of Lineseries. I have tried the CollectionChanged event and it is the same problem. It doesn't get called once but gets called multiple times which doesn't make sense to me.

How can I solve this problem, thanks.


  • This is quite embarrassing as I was struggling with this all day. Hate it when I post a question then manage to solve it minutes after :O.

    I decided to try this and it worked - very slow! :(

    In your code behind:

    private void Series_CollectionChanged(object sender,
             NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
            if(e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add)
                var lineSeries = (LineSeries) MultiChart.Series[e.NewStartingIndex];
                if (!collection.Contains(lineSeries.YAxis))
                    lineSeries.YAxis = new LinearAxis();
            else if(e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset )

    In your CustomLineSeries or whatever:

     public IChartSeries CreateSeries(object targetParent, object boundObject)
       if (boundObject is DataPointsCollection)
           LineSeries lineSeries = new LineSeries();
           return lineSeries;
      return null;

    I should have made sure that the boundobject is a business object and ta da!