I am working on templating in PHP. I know there are templating engines out there but i want something simple for a small project. Here is my problem:
Most of my output are stored in a variable $contents and assigned to the template to display in the content section of my page
But sometimes i have echo("blah blah") in my Model [like in case of exception, query failure] and i want to pass that to my page.
problem is this output shows before the page e.g.
$contents = "I want to show this";
$news = $news->getNews();
$contents = $contents.''.[resultsfromnews]
$template = new Template();
$template->content = $contents; //and so on
if $news->getNews()
method or the methods it calls echoes something e.g. ('database specific error, exception), they show before the $template->display()
is called
Custom error information/notification from
showing here before page contentNormal Page Content
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Please help me with a solution... how those output could be part of my content to display.
I feel this issue could occur with all the popular template engines out there (Smarty, Twig, phpsavant etc) - how was it taken care of?
*I have been searching for awhile to know how it works in other template engines - have not got close *
To answer your question:
$contents = "I want to show this";
$news = $news->getNews();
$buffer = ob_get_contents();
$contents = $contents.$buffer.''.[resultsfromnews]
$template = new Template();
$template->content = $contents; //and so on
However, one should not be echoing within models. It is better to throw exceptions and catch them just before setting the output.