There is a project that uses CVSNT/WinCVS for Version Control. This is the central repository. Locally checked out folders contain hidden sub-folder called "CVS".
I tried to install CVSNT server locally and use second instance of WinCVS to manage(version control) local temporary changes before committing to the central repository.
But that is not working because when checking out from the second(local) repository it still uses "CVS" sub-folder name for its working files.
Anybody knows if it is possible to configure CVSNT server and/or Client to use different name for this sub-folder? And if yes, how?
So far I'm using TortoiseSVN. It creates folders too, but they called ".svn" so there is no interference. It is integrated in Windows shell, which I don't like.
A sandbox is tied to a given repository (which is regitered in one of the files in the hidden CVS folders). You can't use the same sandbox to commit locally and remote (are you tring to mimic a DVCS? Use one of them if you need them). You can't change the folder name (but changing the CVS source files...), but beware WInCVS use them as well because they contains informations about the files status.
You have two options:
Of course you can try to use two different VCS, but you will end up with a lot of headaches then. Better to use Git, Mercurial or the like that do what you need without any special configuration.