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c#javascriptasp.netsimplemodal simplemodal usage

I need to display an iframe either on a button click or on an event (from an updatepanel) and using the code below I should be able to do just that.

I'm just not sure how to call the JS

var src = "";
$.modal('<iframe src="' + src + '" height="450" width="830" style="border:0">', {
 closeHTML: "",
 containerCss: {
  backgroundColor: "#fff",
  borderColor: "#fff",
  height: 450,
  padding: 0,
  width: 830
 overlayClose: true

If I just have it in a <script> it will just display on its own. I've had a look at the example on the main site but still unsure.

What is the syntax to call that from an event or by clicking a button/link?


  • Hope this helps, here i used a normal link. if you are using a .net button then use the



    function ShowModal()
    var src = "";
    $.modal('<iframe src="' + src + '" height="450" width="830" style="border:0">', {
     closeHTML: "",
     containerCss: {
      backgroundColor: "#fff",
      borderColor: "#fff",
      height: 450,
      padding: 0,
      width: 830
     overlayClose: true