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Certificate for Distribution of App in iOS devices

I am trying to upload a binary of an App so that I can test out in app purchase.I can run the Application on intended iOS device which mean the development profile is working fine. But when I try to archive the file I get the error as shown in the image. Since i cannot import the private key associated to the profile show in the error I want to generate my own certificate using keyChain. So I created the certificate but I can't find the option send invite to a distributor or upload a certificate. My profile status is Admin. What should i do.

Error in distribution file


  • You should revoke your distribution certificate in your account. So that it ask the .cer keyfile in your account again. You can create .cer file in your keychain go to Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority and give your details that your mail id etc. so that it will create .cer file and in , you can upload the cer file once you revoke your distribution certificate so that it will generate the certificate which can be installed in your system. enter image description here enter image description here