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load a new dependency in slime?

I am using emacs and swank-clojure. How do I resolve the below scenario -

  1. I have added a new dependency to project.clj.
  2. I run lein deps in a shell to get the new dep.
  3. I have an existing slime session that is open and want to use a function from the new dep.

How do I get the existing slime session to load the new dependency ?

Thanks, Murtaza


  • You should have a look at pomegranate which is designed to provide similar if not identical capabilities as the one you describe.

    As pointed out by @gergek in the comments, leiningen2 ships with pomegranate, so that if you're on lein2 you have to just fire something like the following in the slime REPL:

    (require '[cemerick.pomegranate :as p])
    (p/add-dependencies :coordinates '[[org.clojure/core.logic "0.7.5"]])

    Have a look at add-dependencies docs for more info on how to use it.