I am relatively new to sharepoint and I'm trying to write a web service to return our sharepoint inventory data as xml. It works good except that one of those list includes a lookup field and the generated xml contains "Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldLookupValue" instead of the expected string value of the lookup field.
This is the code I'm using to generate the xml:
resultList = remoteWeb.Lists.GetByTitle("Cam Devices");
//Now its time to reach list's items
items = resultList.GetItems(new CamlQuery());
foreach (ListItem item in items)
rootNode.AppendChild(doc.CreateElement("ID")).InnerText = "pcat:401824";
rootNode.AppendChild(doc.CreateElement("Category")).InnerText = "Cam Devices";
rootNode.AppendChild(doc.CreateElement("Kimlik")).InnerText = Convert.ToString(item["ID"]);
rootNode.AppendChild(doc.CreateElement("Isim")).InnerText = Convert.ToString(item["Location0"]) + " >> " + Convert.ToString(item["Brand"]) + " >> " + Convert.ToString(item["ID"]);
item["Location"] is the lookup field and it has a value with the type FieldLookupValue
, how can I get the lookup value as a string?
Ok, successfully get the lookup field's value by using following code syntax:
string Location = "";
if (item["Location0"] != null)
var fl = (SPFieldLookupValue)item["Location0"];
Location = fl.LookupValue;