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SQL - Creating tree from parent and child columns

I'm having some trouble figuring out how to create a table showing all the relations of a child column with its subsequent parent columns. I am using SQL in Teradata SQL Assistant.

For example, here is the data I have:

Parent | Child                               
A      | B                                                     
A      | C         
B      | D           
E      | E

I want to be able to get an output table, showing the lowest level child element with all its subsequent parent elements as follows:

Child | ParentL1 | Parent L2        
C     | A       
D     | B        | A       

Thing is, I do not know how many levels of parents exists in my data, and I am allowed access only to querying data, so I am unable to create new tables, alter this table, or change any values.

Is there any way to get the expected output in a query?

Thank you!


  • Something like this (tested with PostgreSQL as I don't have Teradata available):

    with recursive tree as (
        select parent, child, child||'/'||parent as path
        from foo
        where child not in (select parent from foo)
        or parent = child
        union all
        select c.parent, c.child, p.path||'/'||c.parent
        from foo c
          join tree p on c.child = p.parent
        where c.parent <> c.child
    select path
    from tree
    order by parent;