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How To Test BOOT_COMPLETED Broadcast Receiver In Emulator

I want to check the BROADCAST RECEIVER with Action BOOT_COMPLETED in the emulator.

Is there any way to check that broadcast receiver in emulator ? How can i restart emulator to check that receiver ? is there any direct command?

Thanks in advance.


  • There is no Power Button in Emulator like Devices have,So

    To stop an emulator instance, just close the emulator's window.

    And To Start/Restart it Start from AVD Manager of Eclipse and Your BroadcastReceiver with BOOT_COMPLETE action will get called for sure

    You can start AVD another way also, From CMD go to Tools of AndroidSDK and give this commmand E:\android-sdk-windows\tools>emulator -avd AVDNAMEHERE

    To Send Broadcast from CMD you can use this Command.

    adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED

    Read more about Android Emulator : Android Emulator and Using Emulator