I am using SharpZipLib and I need to zip an existing folder where there are files inside it.
Example: I need to zip "Folder2"
Folder2 has two files a.txt and b.txt
My current code uses "FastZip"
FastZip fastzip = new FastZip();
Boolean recurse = true;
String filter = null;
fastzip.CreateZip(folderName, @"\" + folderName, recurse, filter);
I get an error of:
Access to path C:\Folder1\Folder2 is denied.
Any experts out here on SharZipLib? :)
I would have expected c:\folder1\folder2 passing it folder2 as the option as you dont show all your code, to fail.
I would hope the following might work assuming foldername = "c:\folder1\folder2"
FastZip fastzip = new FastZip();
Boolean recurse = true;
String filter = null;
fastzip.CreateZip("azip.zip", folderName, recurse, filter);