I have some comma separated strings and want to split them using cut command in bash:
This, is a, sample input.
This, is, another string, which could, appear, in my text, file.
I also want to print all the substrings in the output. The desired output of the first string is:
is a
sample input.
and this is the desired output of the second string:
another string
which could
in my text
but since the number of commas(substrings) is not fixed in all of the strings, I don't know how to tell the cut command to show all the substrings. (for example there 2 commas in the first string and 6 in the second). Is there any way to do this in bash (with cut or other commands)?
I have to add that although my examples in this post are in English, My actual strings are in Arabic language. I mean the command which I want to use, have to be able to work with Unicode characters.
Just because you wanted cut:
line='This, is a, sample input.'
for i in $(seq 1 $(echo "$line," | tr -dc ',' | wc -c)); do
echo $line | cut -d, -f$i;