I have a website I'm building with two user streams. I have the code for the befriended and its just a case of using the pseudo code else if statments in the right place.. Only its racking my brains out.
What I need is that when me user1_id visits you user2_ids stream for it to hide both the form and the stream if we're not friends and tell me to add you before viewing. Showing you've added this friend but friend has not accepted...Or show the form and stream if we're friends.
Here is all the code
This is to determine my users and its working..
$friends = rawfeeds_user_core::check_active_friends($id,$_SESSION['id']);
Here is the code for my two feeds the first feed from the frist form is user1_ids feed and from the second user2_id's feed.
<?php if($user2_id==$_SESSION['id']){ ?>
<div id="statusholder">
<div class="divider">
<h2>Post a status</h2>
<form action="insert.php" method="POST" target="ifr1" class="form_statusinput">
<input type="hidden" name="toid" value="<?php echo $user1_id ?>">
<input type="text" name="newmsg" id="newmsg" class="homescreen_status_input" placeholder="Say something" autocomplete="off">
<iframe name="ifr1" id="ifr1" style="display:none;"></iframe>
<input type="submit" target="ifr1" value="Share" >
$following_string = $_SESSION['id'];
$sql_follows="SELECT * FROM friends WHERE user1_id=".$_SESSION['id']." AND status=2 OR user2_id=".$_SESSION['id']." AND status=2";
$query_follows=mysql_query($sql_follows) or die("Error finding friendships");
while ($follow=mysql_fetch_array($query_follows))
$friendlist = $friendlist. $follow['user2_id'];
$friendlist = $friendlist. $follow['user1_id'];
$badcall = "(".$_SESSION['id'].",)";
$user2_id = $data['id'];
$user1_id = $_SESSION['id'];
$following_string = $_SESSION['id'];
$sql_follows="SELECT * FROM friends WHERE user1_id=".$user1_id." OR user2_id=".$user2_id;
$query_follows=mysql_query($sql_follows) or die("Error finding friendships");
while ($follow=mysql_fetch_array($query_follows))
$following_string = $following_string. " OR streamitem_creator =" . $follow['user1_id']." OR streamitem_target=".$follow['user1_id'];
$following_string = $following_string. " OR streamitem_creator =" . $follow['user2_id']." OR streamitem_target=".$follow['user2_id'];
$call="SELECT * FROM streamdata WHERE streamitem_target = " . $user1_id ." AND streamitem_type_id NOT IN ('2') ORDER BY streamitem_timestamp DESC LIMIT 15";
$chant= mysql_query($call) or die(mysql_error());
$num = mysql_num_rows($chant);
while($streamitem_data = mysql_fetch_array($chant)){
echo'<div id="statusholder"><div class="divider">';
if($streamitem_data['streamitem_type_id'] == 1||$streamitem_data['streamitem_type_id'] == 3){
echo "<img class='stream_profileimage' style='border:none;padding:0px;display:inline;' src='";rawfeeds_user_core::output_profile_image_url($streamitem_data['streamitem_creator']);echo "' onerror='this.src=\"/img/no_profile_img.jpeg\";'>
$poster_name = rawfeeds_user_core::getuser($streamitem_data['streamitem_creator']);
$target_name = rawfeeds_user_core::getuser($streamitem_data['streamitem_target']);
$cont = stripslashes($streamitem_data['streamitem_content']);
$cont = htmlentities($cont);
$cont = ereg_replace("[[:alpha:]]+://[^<>[:space:]]+[[:alnum:]/]","<a class='user_link' href=\"\\0\">\\0</a>", $cont);
echo "<a href='/sn-profile.php?user1_id=".$poster_name['id']."'>" . $poster_name['fullusersname']."</a><span class='subtleLink'> said </span>";
echo "<a href='/sn-profile.php?user1_id=".$poster_name['id']."'>" .$poster_name['fullusersname']."</a>
<span class='subtleLink'>wrote</span>";
echo "<br/><a href='#' class='subtleLink' style='font-weight:normal;'>".Agotime($streamitem_data['streamitem_timestamp'])."</a><hr>";
$cont = nl2br($cont);
echo "<div style='display:inline;'><span class='subtleLink'>".$cont."</span> </div>";
$cont = nl2br($cont);
echo "<div>".$cont."</div>";
$cont = nl2br($cont);
echo "<div>".$cont."</div>";
<div class="stream_show_posts" onClick="global_streamcount=global_streamcount+10;refreshstream();">Show More Posts</div>
echo "<div class='global_softerror'>No posts yet!</div>";
-----------------------------------------START OF USER2_ID'S STREAM-------
<div id="statusholder">
<div class="divider">
<h2>Post on <?php echo $data['fullusersname']; ?>'s stream</h2>
<form action="insert.php" method="POST" target="ifr2" class="form_statusinput">
<input type="hidden" name="toid" value="<?php echo $user2_id ?>">
<input type="text" name="newmsg" id="newmsg" class="homescreen_status_input" placeholder="Say something" autocomplete="off">
<iframe name="ifr2" id="ifr2" style="display:none;"></iframe>
<input type="submit" target="ifr2" value="Share" >
$following_string = $_SESSION['id'];
$sql_follows="SELECT * FROM friends WHERE user2_id=".$_SESSION['id']." AND status=2 OR user1_id=".$_SESSION['id']." AND status=2";
$query_follows=mysql_query($sql_follows) or die("Error finding friendships");
while ($follow=mysql_fetch_array($query_follows))
$friendlist = $friendlist. $follow['user1_id'];
$friendlist = $friendlist. $follow['user2_id'];
$badcall = "(".$_SESSION['id'].",)";
$user2_id = $data['id'];
$user1_id = $_SESSION['id'];
$following_string = $_SESSION['id'];
$sql_follows="SELECT * FROM friends WHERE user2_id=".$user2_id." OR user1_id=".$user1_id;
$query_follows=mysql_query($sql_follows) or die("Error finding friendships");
while ($follow=mysql_fetch_array($query_follows))
$following_string = $following_string. " OR streamitem_creator =" . $follow['user2_id']." OR streamitem_target=".$follow['user2_id'];
$following_string = $following_string. " OR streamitem_creator =" . $follow['user1_id']." OR streamitem_target=".$follow['user1_id'];
$call="SELECT * FROM streamdata WHERE streamitem_target = " . $user2_id ." AND streamitem_type_id NOT IN ('2') ORDER BY streamitem_timestamp DESC LIMIT 15";
$chant= mysql_query($call) or die(mysql_error());
$num = mysql_num_rows($chant);
while($streamitem_data = mysql_fetch_array($chant)){
echo'<div id="statusholder">
<div class="divider">';
if($streamitem_data['streamitem_type_id'] == 1||$streamitem_data['streamitem_type_id'] == 3){
echo "<img class='stream_profileimage' style='border:none;padding:0px;display:inline;' src='";rawfeeds_user_core::output_profile_image_url($streamitem_data['streamitem_creator']);echo "' onerror='this.src=\"/img/no_profile_img.jpeg\";'>
$poster_name = rawfeeds_user_core::getuser($streamitem_data['streamitem_creator']);
$target_name = rawfeeds_user_core::getuser($streamitem_data['streamitem_target']);
$cont = stripslashes($streamitem_data['streamitem_content']);
$cont = htmlentities($cont);
$cont = ereg_replace("[[:alpha:]]+://[^<>[:space:]]+[[:alnum:]/]","<a class='user_link' href=\"\\0\">\\0</a>", $cont);
echo "<a href='/profile.php?username=".$poster_name['username']."'>" . $poster_name['fullusersname']."</a><span class='subtleLink'> said </span>";
echo "<a href='/profile.php?username=".$poster_name['username']."'>" .$poster_name['fullusersname']."</a>
<span class='subtleLink'>wrote</span>";
echo "<br/><a href='#' class='subtleLink' style='font-weight:normal;'>".Agotime($streamitem_data['streamitem_timestamp'])."</a><hr>";
$cont = nl2br($cont);
echo "<div style='display:inline;'><span class='subtleLink'>".$cont."</span> </div>";
$cont = nl2br($cont);
echo "<div>".$cont."</div>";
$cont = nl2br($cont);
echo "<div>".$cont."</div>";
echo "<div class='global_softerror'>No posts yet!</div>";
echo'<div class="stream_show_posts" onClick="global_streamcount=global_streamcount+10;refreshstream();">Show More Posts</div>';
And this is the code I need to insert.
<?php if(USER_BEFRIENDED==0){ ?>
Add <?php echo $data['fullusersname']; ?> as a friend to see posts and information.
<?php }
You've added <?php echo $data['fullusersname']; ?> as a friend, but he hasn't accepted yet. Check back later!
<?php } }?>
If I thought about it..I would have put this in the code before coding user2_id's stream..And I wouldn't be in such a pickle now.
Hope someone can help.
Thank you.
Looking through your code, I assume you want to drive the friendships from a database. I don't quite see the relevance of a lot of the code posted but I can make a few recommendations:
Write a function to return the friendship "status"
I guess you'll be wanting to do similar things (content-hiding/primitive privacy) elsewhere, so this'll hopefully be useful. Obviously I can't test this but something like:
function checkUserFriendship($user1,$user2)
$sql = "SELECT status FROM friends WHERE user1_id = $user1 AND user2_id = $user2 OR user1_id = $user2 AND user2_id = $user1";
$query = mysql_query($sql);
$data = mysql_fetch_array($query);
return $data['status'];
Now, I highly doubt that will work straight off, but what it would (hopefully) achieve is returning the "status" field you have in the "friends" table. You could then use this when outputting. For instance:
$friendshipStatus = checkUserFriendship($user1,$user2);
case "accepted":
//Show something
case "pending":
//Show "pending" message
case 0:
//Show nothing (or an error message)
This might not be what you are looking for, but it's how I would tackle the situation. It looks like you may have already done this with the line containing
but you posted a lot of code and I'm not entirely sure how it all pieces together.
Use Of Globals
This is a side note, but I'd avoid the use of defined globals. It doesn't look like they serve a purpose here.
Unnecessary Code (?)
In your user streams (let us refer to them as that) you have a huge block of code constructing the "IN (n,n,n,n)" part of the SQL to only select certain friends. I imagine this is necessary on the global / public / "News Feed" part of the site but I can't see where you use it. (It may be an oversight / just stupidity on my part!)