Is it possible to show the enable adding new calendars in EKCalendarChooser just like the default iPhone Calendar app shows the + in the upper left corner and allows you to define you calendars?
I've been seeking the same ready-to-use solution for almost a day and no luck so far..
The good thing is, however, that you can call
[yourEKCalendarChooserInstance setEditing:YES];
And It will show you the "Add Calendar" row
But the bad thing is that nothing happens on click/select. That's all I found out so far
this code worked for me (test only on simulator so far):
EKEventStore *store = [[[EKEventStore alloc] init] autorelease];
EKCalendarChooser *chooser = [[EKCalendarChooser alloc] initWithStyle:EKCalendarChooserSelectionStyleSingle displayStyle:EKCalendarChooserDisplayWritableCalendarsOnly eventStore:store];
[chooser setEditing:YES];
[chooser setShowsDoneButton:YES];
[chooser setShowsCancelButton:YES];
UINavigationController *modalController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:chooser];
[self presentViewController:modalController animated:YES completion:nil];
In addition, of course, you will need to provide delegate for done/cancel buttons.