I would have thought this one would be simple but I'm trying to change my document root from the default:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Zend\Apache2\htdocs
to the location where I normally keep my projects in my documents but so far I have had no luck, all I see is the "Zend Server Test Page".
I have modified the location in \Apache2\conf\httpd.conf as follows:
DocumentRoot "C:\Users\Me\My Sites\My Project"
<Directory "C:\Users\Me\My Sites\My Project">
and I have restarted php using the server GUI but to no avail.
I'm using Zend Server Community Edition 5.6.0.
This ended up solving itself somehow although my best guess is that the 'Restart PHP' link on the the Zend Server Web GUI doesn't actually work, I think what I needed to do was to restart using the apache service in my system tray or restart my computer.