If we want to store critical information, like passwords and server addresses, inside the executable file generated by the Delphi compiler, how can we do that, without knowing the final executable size and binary structure, like at the end of the file for example?
Side note:
The text to be stored is already encrypted; and in some computers the windows don't give access to write in the registry, specially when the user is not administrator, and there are hacks to monitor registry changes and the smart user can find the new windows registry entry.
Why this question was down voted? This is achievable! Doesn't meter if not interesting for most people.
I think about the bios and other firmware upgradeable, like satelite tv signal decoders that update themselves. How is that possible?
Create a string table resource is one way.
Create a text file. say secretstuff.rc (has to have .rc extension) with something like this in it.
1,"This is my encrypted password in say Base64"
Compile it to a .res file with BRCC32.
Include it in the relevant code with a compiler directive
{$R secretstuff.res}
After that you access with TResourceStream.
If you want to manage it a bit better might be wise to stuff them in a dll instead of an exe, then you can update things by delivering a new version of the dll.
There's an example with a it more detail, another purpose but same principle here