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adding ASPxGridView to page with ObjectDataSource programmatically

I'm trying to add ASPxGridView to page and bind it to ObjectDataSource programmatically.

here is my code:

protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ObjectDataSource odsGroup = new ObjectDataSource();
        var gridLookup = new ASPxGridView();

        odsGroup.ID = "odsGroups";
        odsGroup.SelectMethod = "GetAllElements";
        odsGroup.TypeName = "Ifa.BusinessLayer.BLLClasses.GroupBll";
        odsGroup.OldValuesParameterFormatString = "original_{0}";

        gridLookup.ViewStateMode = ViewStateMode.Disabled;

        gridLookup.ID = "groupsLookup";
        gridLookup.AutoGenerateColumns = true;
        gridLookup.DataSource = odsGroup;
        gridLookup.KeyFieldName = "Id";

This code works fine when i use GridView instead of ASPxGridView, but as I said it does not work with ASPxGridView and throws System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException

exception: enter image description here

any solutions?


  • Another solution:

      gridLookup.Columns.Add(new GridViewDataColumn("Name"));
      gridLookup.AutoGenerateColumns = false;