I have a graph that contains nodes (groups) composed by inner nodes and when redering the graph, the groups are shown on top of the nodes they contain (I'm using a presset layout
). In order to avoid that I have tried setting a z-index (so then only the border of the group is visible) for the groups as shown bellow with no luck.
fillColor: '#000000',
borderColor: '#000000',
borderWidth: 1,
I also tried setting visibility:'hidden'
but that hides the edges connecting the group as well. Is there any support for groups ? or maybe a way of setting the group fillColor
as transparent so it doesn't hide its inner nodes?
The SVG renderer should accept transparent
as a valid colour, as far as I can remember. What you're really looking for sounds like compound node support, which we'll have when the new canvas renderer is done -- by the end of the summer.