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dump sql database with phing

Starting to learn and understand phing.

I would like to export sql database using Phing. Is it possible?

Or is the best approach to write bash script to run it? How do you do this within a build.xml file?


  • I found out from a book that the best means of doing this is with the exec task:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <project description="MyFooProject">
     <target name="backup-db" description="Backup the database before upgrade.">
        <!-- execute external command mysqldump to backup database -->
            <exec command="${ext.mysqldump} --quick --password=${db.password} --user=${db.user} ${} > ${}.${environment}.sql"
                escape="false" />
                <echo message="Database dumped ${db.backup.dir}/${}.${environment}.sql" />