I'm having some problems calling C++ DLLs in delphi, the DLLs are written in Labview but the DLL syntax is all C++, I think the main issue is to do with trying to pass data to the function as a dynamic array of double (which is inherently a pointer right?)
the function definition in the.h header file is:
int16_t __cdecl NRELIVparExtract(
double voltageV[],
double currentA[],
int32_t nDataPoints,
uint16_t fitAlgorithim,
int16_t *twoOrLessPoints,
double *Voc,
double *Isc,
double *Vmp,
double *Imp
My delphi code i'm trying to use to call it is:
public { Public declarations }
Function NRELIVparExtract (voltageV, currentA: Array of Double; nDataPoints :Integer;
fitAlgorithim :Word; Var twoOrLessPoints : SmallInt;
Voc, Isc, Vmp, Imp : Double): smallint ; CDecl;External IVparExtract_NREL.dll'
procedure TFormMainIVanalysis.ExtractNREL(InputFileName : ShortString);
VoltArray, CurrArray : Array Of double;
NRELresult := NRELIVparExtract(VoltArray,CurrArray,NpointsForFitting, fitAlgorithm, twoOrLessPoints, LVoc, LISc, LVmpp, LImpp);
I variously get either an access violation error when the compiler gets to the begin line in my delphi .dpr OR I get IVparExtract_NREL.dll not found
any suggestions very welcome, cheers, Brian
The C type double[]
does not translate to the Delphi type array of Double
. The Delphi type is an open array, which actually translates to two parameters internally, a pointer to the first element, and an integer holding one less than the number of elements in the array. Instead, you should do as C does, and "decay" the array to a simple pointer.
The C type double*
does not translate to the Delphi type Double
. It's a pointer, so declare your parameter types as pointers.
That should give you the following declaration:
function NRELIVparExtract(voltageV, currentA: PDouble; nDataPoints: Integer;
fitAlgorithim: Word; var twoOrLessPoints: SmallInt;
Voc, Isc, Vmp, Imp: PDouble): SmallInt; cdecl;
external 'IVparExtract_NREL.dll';
If your program cannot find the DLL, then you should make sure that your DLL lives in a place where the OS will look for it, such as your program's directory, or somewhere on the system path. MSDN has the details on the library search order.