Hy guys, i have a postgresql 8.3 server with many database.
Actually, im planning to backup those db with a script that will store all the backup in a folder with the same name of the db, for example:
Every day i make 1 dump each 2 hours, overwriting the files every day... for example, in the my_database1 folder i have:
my_database1.backup-00.sql //backup made everyday at the 00.00 AM
my_database1.backup-02.sql //backup made everyday at the 02.00 AM
my_database1.backup-04.sql //backup made everyday at the 04.00 AM
my_database1.backup-06.sql //backup made everyday at the 06.00 AM
my_database1.backup-08.sql //backup made everyday at the 08.00 AM
my_database1.backup-10.sql //backup made everyday at the 10.00 AM
[...and so on...]
This is how i actually assure myself to be able to restore everydatabase loosing at least 2 hours of data.
2 hours still looks too much.
I've got a look to the postgresql pitr trought the WAL files, but, those files seem to contain all the data about all my database.
I'll need to separate those files, in the same way i do separate the dump files.
How to?
Otherwise, there is another easy-to-install to have a backup procedure that allo me to restore just 1 backup at 10 seconds earlier, but without creating a dump file every 10 seconds?
Why do you want to separate the databases?
The way the PITR works, it is not possible to do since it works on the complete cluster. What you can do in that case is to create a data directory and a separate cluster for each of those databases (not recommended though since it will require different ports, and postmaster instances).
I believe that the benefits of using PITR instead of regular dumps outweigh having separate backups for each database, so perhaps you can re-think the reasons for why you need to separate it.
Another way could be to set up some replication with Slony-I but that would require a separate machine (or instance) that receives the data. On the other hand, that way you would have a replicated system in near real-time.
Update for comment:
To recover from mistakes, like deleting a table, PITR would be perfect since you can replay to a specific time. However, for 500 databases I understand that can be a lot of overhead. Slony-I would probably not work, since it is replicating. Not sure how it handles table deletions.
I am not aware of any other ways you can go. What I would do would probably still be going for PITR and just not do any mistakes ;). Jokes aside, depending how frequently mistakes are being made this could be a solution:
However, it would require you to have a second instance ready, either on the same server or a different one (different is recommended). Also, the restore time would be a bit longer since it would require you to do one extra dump and restore.