Ths is my problem :
I am trying to add keyboard control to my application using a dictionary of (string,VoidFunc)
I start by creationg an action named "app." + key_name("h" for example) and doing
action.activate.connect( () => f() ) where f is the function (VoidFunc instance).
Then I add that action to my app.
Then I create an accelerator using Gtk.accelerator_name and add that to my app.
I am subclassing Gtk.Application.
Here are the two main functions that do the work.
private void install_keyboard_support()
Gee.HashMap<string,VoidFunc> actions = new Gee.HashMap<string,VoidFunc>();
fill_actions(ref actions);
int i = 0;int sz = actions.size;
while(i < sz)
string k = actions.keys.to_array()[i];
var f = actions[k];
var action_name = "app." + k;
var action = new SimpleAction(action_name,null);
action.activate.connect(() => f());
var accel_name = Gtk.accelerator_name([0],Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK);
_puts(@"Added accelerator with name = $accel_name and which trigers $action_name action!");
_puts("Installed keyboard support!");
private void fill_actions(ref Gee.HashMap<string,VoidFunc> actions)
actions["h"] = () => Process.spawn_command_line_async("xdg-open /usr/share/doc/ewns-viewer/help.html");
As you see everything should work :).
One thing that works is doing
this.add_accelerator("<Primary>h","",null) is a simple action definied as
var help_action = new SimpleAction("help",null);
help_action.activate.connect(() => Process.spawn_command_line_async("xdg-open /usr/share/doc/ewns-viewer/help.html"));
The problem was that I created actions with "app." + k while the app. prefix was not needed.