I am running a basic query that retrieves rows based on basic conditional clauses, nothing complex. This works fine:
<cfquery name="courses" datasource="banner">
FROM tjucatalog
WHERE (course_status = 'Active')
AND CONCAT(subject,course_no) IN (#PreserveSingleQuotes(courselist)#)
AND term IN ('Fall 2012')
AND ((end_date > #now()#) OR (course_meeting_info IS NOT NULL))
ORDER BY TYear, TSort, DayNum, start_date, time, title
However, when I remove the "AND term IN" line from the query, it fails.
<cfquery name="courses" datasource="banner">
FROM tjucatalog
WHERE (course_status = 'Active')
AND CONCAT(subject,course_no) IN (#PreserveSingleQuotes(courselist)#)
AND ((end_date > #now()#) OR (course_meeting_info IS NOT NULL))
ORDER BY TYear, TSort, DayNum, start_date, time, title
The error I get is: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small ORA-06512: at "BANINST1.TJUCATALOG_PACK", line 519
Is this maybe a view that requires the field 'term' to be included, or is there something else at play here I'm entirely unaware of?
Our Oracle gurus returned and told us they had to change a field type from varchar2 (4000) to CLOB. The lack of the term field as a filter clause was a red herring error. I don't know which field specifically in the query needed to be increased for allowed length, but it works so I'm happy.