Is there some type of a hook that will be executed when I include a template and in which I can change the path to the template?
[% INCLUDE test %]
And I want to change the path to 'test' to be something like 'AE/' or 'FR/'.
The idea is to change the path to the template without changing the template in which the include is situated.
The normal way of doing this would be to use the INCLUDE_PATH
parameter when constructing your Template
my $tt = Template->new({INCLUDE_PATH => 'AE'});
Building a new Template
instance isn't any big deal, so there's no strong reason not to make a new one on the fly whenever you're about to process a template, but, if you're in a persistent environment and really need the performance, there's always the option of creating more than one:
my %tt;
$tt{ae} = Template->new({INCLUDE_PATH => 'AE'});
$tt{fr} = Template->new({INCLUDE_PATH => 'FR'});
# ... code ... code ... code ...
$lang = 'ae';
# ... code ... code ... code ...