Search code examples

Trying to add delay to jQuery AJAX request

I am trying to delay an AJAX request so that it is sent out 2-3 seconds after the LAST keyup of an input cell.
So far I have managed to delay the requests, but after 2-3 seconds I get one request sent for every keyup in the field...
How can I make jQuery cancel the first ones and just send the last keyup?
Here's the code so far:

          $('.terms :input').val(""); //clears other search fields
    caps(this); //another function that capitalizes the field
    $type = $(this).attr("id"); // just passing the type of desired search to the php file
        setTimeout(function(){ // setting the delay for each keypress
                ajaxSearchRequest($type); //runs the ajax request

        }, 1000);

This code above, waits 1 sec then sends 4-5 AJAX requests depending on keypresses. I just want one sent after the last keyup
I have found some similar solutions in StackOverflow that use Javascript, but I have not been able to implement them to my project due to my small knowledge of programming.

[SOLVED] Final working code, thanks to @Dr.Molle:

          $('.terms :input').val("");
    $type = $(this).attr("id");

    window.timer=setTimeout(function(){ // setting the delay for each keypress
            ajaxSearchRequest($type); //runs the ajax request

        }, 3000);


Here's the ajaxSearchRequest code:

function ajaxSearchRequest($type){
                var ajaxRequest2;  // The variable that makes Ajax possible!

                  // Opera 8.0+, Firefox, Safari
                  ajaxRequest2 = new XMLHttpRequest();
                }catch (e){
                  // Internet Explorer Browsers
                     ajaxRequest2 = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
                  }catch (e) {
                    ajaxRequest2 = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
                     }catch (e){
                    // Something went wrong
                    alert("Browser error!");
                    return false;

                ajaxRequest2.onreadystatechange = function(){
                  if(ajaxRequest2.readyState == 4){

                        $result = ajaxRequest2.responseText;


                var searchterm = document.getElementById($type).value;

                var queryString ="?searchterm=" + searchterm +"&type=" +$type;

                if(searchterm !== ""){

      "GET", "searchrequest.php" + 
                                 queryString, true);


  • store the timeout in a variable, so you will be able to clear recent timeouts:

    window.timer=setTimeout(function(){ // setting the delay for each keypress
                    ajaxSearchRequest($type); //runs the ajax request
            }, 3000);