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Mathematica Parallel computing with VMware Client

I have access to a virtual machine via vmware client and want to do parallel computing with mathematica (no direct www access on the vm). But on the VM there's not mathematica installed and i don't want to buy an additinal one. So I want to have the interface on my laptop and transfer as much computing as possible to the VM.

Following questions: - Is it possible? - How does it work?

Thanks, Andreas


  • The use of Mathematica's native parallel computing capabilities does kind of depend on there being a Mathematica kernel running on each processing element (core, CPU, functional unit, whatever the heck they're called these days) in the gang so, without going outside Mathematica, you're dead in the water, it ain't possible.

    On the other hand, you could use Mathematica's recently enhanced capabilities to play nicely with programs written in other languages (as long as those other languages are C) to write a back-end to run on the VM and call it from the Mathematica installation on your laptop. And, of course, once you start writing in C, you can do all the parallelisation you want.