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POS UI design & development: what should be included & avoided?

I'm having to design & develop UI for a Point of Sale (POS) system. There are obvious features that need to be included, like product selection & quantity, payment method, tender amount, user login (as many users will use one terminal), etc.

My question is related more towards the UI design aspect of developing this system. How should UI features/controls be positioned, sized? Is there a preferred layout? Are their colours I should be avoiding?

If you know of any resources to guide me, that would also help.

The reason this is critical to me as I am aware of the pressurized environment in which POS systems are used & I want to make the process as (i) quick, (ii) simple to use and (iii) result driven as possible for the user to service customers.

All answers, info & suggestions welcome. Thanks.

P.s. If you could mention the "playoff" between controls that would also be appreciated (i.e. if touch screen a keypad control is provided, but if also supporting keyboard & mouse input how do you manage the keypad & UI space effectively?)


  • Aggregated POS Design Guidelines

    Based on the above and other literature, here is my list of guidelines for POS design. [it would be nice if we grew this list further]

    User Performance Priorities (in order): efficiency (least time to transaction conclusion) effectiveness (accurate info & output) user satisfaction (based on first 2 in work context) learning time (reduce time to learn system by making it simple)


    1. Flexible Transaction Building - don't force a sequence to transaction wher possible. Place product orders in any order & allow them to be changed to a point.
    2. Optimise Transaction Rate - allow a user to complete a transaction as quickly as possible (least clicks are not really the issue as more clicks could mean larger value of transaction, which makes business sense)
    3. Support Handedness / Dexterity - most users have a dominant hand and a weaker hand in terms of dexterity. Allow the UI to be customised (on a single click) for handedness. my example: a L->R / R->L toggle button which moves easy features like "OK", "Cancel" in nearer proximity to weaker hand.
    4. Constant Feedback - provide snapshot feedback which describes current state of the transaction and calculated result of transaction (NB: accounts) before & after committing a transaction.
    5. Control "Volume" - control volume refers to the colour saturation/contrast, prominence of positioning and size of a control. Design more frequently used controls to have larger "volumes" relative to less frequently used controls. e.g. "Pay" button larger than "cancel" button. E.g. High contrast & greater colour saturation increase volume.
    6. Target Findability - finding & selecting targets (item, numeric key) is key to efficiency. Group related controls (close proximity), place controls on screen edges (screen edge traps pointer), emphasise control amplitude (this dimension emphasises users normal plain of motion) and colour coding make finding & selecting targets more efficient.
    7. Avoid Clutter - too many options limits control volume and reduces findability.
    8. Use Plain Text - avoid abbreviations as much as possible (only use standard abbreviations e.g. size: S, M, L, etc.). This is especially true for product lookup.
    9. Product Lookup - support shortcuts for regular orders (i.e. burger meal), categorised browsing & item name search (least ordered items). Consider include a special item: this is any item where the user types what is wanted (i.e. specific whiskey order) - this requires pricing though.
    10. Avoid User Burden - the user should be able to read answers to customer questions from the UI. So provide regularly requested/prioritised feedback for transaction (i.e. customer asks: "what will be the the outstanding balance on my account if I buy this item?" It should appear in UI already)
    11. Conversational Ordering - customer drives the ordering not the system. So allows item selection to be non-sequential.
    12. Objective Focused - the purpose of POS is to conclude the transaction from a business perspective. Always make transaction conclusion possible immediately with "Pay" button. If clicked, any incomplete items will be un-done: user then read order back before requesting cash/credit card)
    13. Personas - there are different categories (personas) of users of POS systems like (i) Clerk/Cashier and (ii) Manager. The UI should present the relevant options to that logged-in persona according to these guidelines i.e. Cashier: large volume on transaction building controls; Manager: large volume on transaction/user management controls.
    14. Touch Screens - (i) allow for touch input with generally larger controls to supported a large finger tip as pointer. (ii) Provide proprioceptive feedback - this is feedback that indicate the control pushed (it should have a short delay on it fade: user finger will be in the way initially). (iii) Auditory Feedback (optional) - this helps with feedback especially with regards errors in pressurised environment.
    15. User Training - users must be trained to understand business protocol & how the POS supports that protocol. They are the one's driving the system. Also, speak to POS users to design & enhance your system - again they are experienced users of the POS system
    16. Context Analysis - a thorough analysis of the context of use for your POS system should be performed to best implement the POS heuristics mentioned above effectively. Understanding the user (human factors), the tasks (frequency, duration, stress factors, etc.) and environment (lighting, hardware, space layout, etc.) should be comprehensively conducted during design and should not be assumed. Get your hands dirty & get into the users work space!! That way you can develop something your specific users can use effectively, efficiently and satisfactorily

    I hope this helps everyone.

    To all respondents, I really appreciate your feedback! Please give me more wrt to this answer. Thanks