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IOS Unique User Identifier across Devices

thank you for taking the time and interest reading this and hopefully helping me out.

I need an unique user identifier for IOS, and what I mean with unique user identifier is a unique string that Apple provides that is unique for user not device, meaning that it will stay the same across devices. I thought about the Apple ID or something like that, but it´s not possible, because Apple does not provide it(at least not that I know of), but I want something similar to that.

It cannot be the UDID, because(besides being deprecated) it´s not persistent across devices. I want this in order to authenticate a user, without the user having to login, or signup. It is possible to do so, because some apps do so. I didn not log in or anything with another device, but it authenticated me. I had thought it was with the Apple ID, but that´s not possible to do.

I checked this answer: iOS unique user identifier. And it seems that it might be the solution, but I don't quite get it, as I don't see how it would be unique to every new user(being able to distinguish between multiple users, and the same user, but on different device).

I really appreciate people reading this and trying to help. Thank you

PD: I use Titanium´s Appcelerator, not Apple´s IOS SDK or anything like that. But it´s not that important, I just want to get the process to be able to do it with Titanium's Appcelerator


Thank you for answering and so fast!. I have read it many times and I just don't get it. Could you guys help me understand it a little bit better?

The way I understand it is this.

1.-Create an UUID(changes with every installation) 2.-Store it to the Keychain(As far as I know, the values saved on the keychain are local to the device) with a default service(I think Ill put it with the application's id-com.bla.bla-), and also a default account, I think Ill leave it as "users".

This will all be local, so every single installation will do this, with a different UUID for each installation(not necessary every user) 3.-Save the UUID to the NSUserDefaults. 4.-Save the UUID to the Cloud's public data store.(The UUID in the Cloud´s Data Store, Keychain and NSUserDefaults should be the same)

So, if 5 installations are run, the Cloud´s Public Data Store should be like this

An Array of 5 values:

5.-All this will be executed every time you run the application, checking first if there is a value stored on the public cloud store. Here´s where I am confused, how will a different device know which UUID is yours? I mean, there are 5 different UUIDS to chose. Maybe it´s not supposed to be saved on the public data store, but on the private data store, but for that you would need to also identify each user. This is where I get so confused.

If there is no UUID set, execute the last 4 steps.

So, I get confused on the 5th step, most people understand that solution, without any more explanation, so I must be ignorant in the way something works, maybe the cloud services? I think the problem is that maybe I'm not understanding how the iCloud works, and how it stores it´s values. I just don't get how the 5th(random number, it might be the 2nd or 2000th) device of X running the app, will know that the UUID XXX... is the UUID of user X, and not the UUID of user Z.

Thank you again for answering so fast, I thought maybe I would have to wait a couple of days, not a couple of minutes. Forgive me for my ignorance, I'm kind of a noob on this matter, but I would like to learn. Been stuck on this problem for days


  • The answer you referred to is the correct way to identify your users. The solution is to save the value of that identification called a UUID (Unique User ID) - as opposed to a UDID (Unique Device ID).

    The only down side to this of course for you as a developer is that the user could delete and install the app again and have a different ID.