So I know that C++ has an Operator Precedence and that
int x = ++i + i++;
is undefined because pre++ and post++ are at the same level and thus there is no way to tell which one will get calculated first. But what I was wondering is if
int i = 1/2/3;
is undefined. The reason I ask is because there are multiple ways to look at that (1/2)/3 OR 1/(2/3). My guess is that it is a undefined behavior but I would like to confirm it.
In your example the compiler is free to evaluate "1" "2" and "3" in any order it likes, and then apply the divisions left to right.
It's the same for the i++ + i++ example. It can evaluate the i++'s in any order and that's where the problem lies.
It's not that the function's precedence isn't defined, it's that the order of evaluation of its arguments is.