I've spent a few days reading over all manner of tutorials, MDN entries, and S.O. posts, and I've come to suspect that I'm missing something obvious, but I'm too inexperienced with XPCOM to spot it. I'm about 80% sure there error is somewhere in my custom component (components/fooLogin.js).
Problem: When the add-on initializes (when I call loadData() from chrome/content/foologin.js), I get an error saying:
TypeError: Components.classes['@foo.com/foologinautocomplete;1'] is undefined
Am I maybe trying to create the component before the class has been registered? Is there something else I need to do to register it? Any tips would be appreciated.
Relevant Code: (happy to supply any additional code, if need be)
function fooLoginAutoComplete(){
this.wrappedJSObject = this;
fooLoginAutoComplete.prototype = {
classID: Components.ID("loginac@foo.com"),
contractID: "@foo.com/foologinautocomplete;1",
classDescription: "Auto complete for foo",
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([]),
complete: function(str){ // Autocomplete functionality will in this function
return null;
var NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([fooLoginAutoComplete]);
let fooLogin = {
dataLoaded : false,
searchFilter = null,
loadData : function(){
alert(1); // This alert fires
this.searchFilter = Components.classes['@foo.com/foologinautocomplete;1']
alert(2); // I get the error before this alert
this.dataLoaded = true;
window.addEventListener("load", function(){
if(!fooLogin.dataLoaded) fooLogin.loadData();
content foologin chrome/content/
content foologin chrome/content/ contentaccessible=yes
skin foologin classic chrome/skin/
locale foologin en-US chrome/locale/en-US/
component loginac@foo.com components/fooLogin.js
contract @foo.com/foologinautocomplete;1 loginac@foo.com
overlay chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://foologin/content/foologin.xul
In your chrome.manifest, you have this:
component loginac@foo.com components/fooLogin.js contract @foo.com/foologinautocomplete;1 loginac@foo.com
and in fooLogin.js you have:
classID: Components.ID("loginac@foo.com"),
loginac@foo.com is not a valid class ID for a component.
They have to be of the form:
Only add-ons can have a foo@bar.com format.