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Android database setting ImageView

I have a database with 5 columns, 1 column which is a TEXT with the name of a drawable that is /res/drawable folder.

    private void fillData() {

    mCursor = db2.getAllAchievements();

    String[] from = new String[]{achHelper.ROW_NAME, achHelper.ROW_DESCRIPTION, achHelper.ROW_POINTS, achHelper.ROW_TROPHY};

    int[] to = new int[]{,,,};

    SimpleCursorAdapter classes =
            new SimpleCursorAdapter(this, R.layout.ach_row, mCursor, from, to);
} is a ImageView, how can I set the background image based on the data that is being pulled from achHelper.ROW_TROPHY?


  • the simpleCursorAdapter need Strings, so your StringArray "from" must get String objects from the column achHelper.ROW_TROPHY when you setup your database it has to look like this:

     private static final String TABLE_CREATE = "CREATE TABLE " here your other colums
                                                + ROW_TROPHY + " TEXT NOT NULL);";

    So when you make your entry into your Database you have to convert the ID of your TropyImage (whitch is Integer) R.drawable.yourTropyImage to a string:

    ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
    cv.put( your other columns, your other input);
    cv.put(ROW_TROPHY, Integer.toString(R.drawable.yourTrophyImage));
    return db.insert(DATABASE_TABLE, null, cv);

    Your String[] from, int[] to and simpleCursorAdapter seem to be correct. You just must have the right DataType and ID in the ROW_TROPY column.