How do I make the background of a Textview
about 20% transparent (not fully transparent), where there is a color in the background (i.e. white)?
Make the color have 80% in the alpha channel. For example, for red use #CCFF0000
android:background="#CCFF0000" />
In the example, CC
is the hexadecimal number for 255 * 0.8 = 204
. Note that the first two hexadecimal digits are for the alpha channel. The format is #AARRGGBB
, where AA
is the alpha channel, RR
is the red channel, GG
is the green channel and BB
is the blue channel.
I'm assuming that 20% transparent means 80% opaque. If you meant the other way, instead of CC
use 33
which is the hexadecimal for 255 * 0.2 = 51
In order to calculate the proper value for an alpha transparency value you can follow this procedure:
), meaning the range goes from 0 to 255.255 * 0.8 = 204
. Round to the nearest integer if needed.0xCC
, you will have CCFF0000
.You can take a look at the Android documentation for colors.