I have a webform, and a custom validation function. Which both work fine.
But when I do a form_set_value inside the validation function, nothing happens.
Can anyone help me out please
function test_webservices_validate(&$form, &$form_state) {
if (form_get_errors())
$form_values = $form_state['values']['submitted'];
$Address = _test_webservices_translate($values);
if (!$Address->succes) {
form_set_value($form['submitted']['voornaam'], 'sdfdsfsd', $form_state);
} else {
_test_webservices_handledcm($form, $form_state, $Address);
What happens is when going trough the flow, somewhere in one of the functions the variables are not passed as a reference, so you actually loose the information you changed. I fixed this by changing core functionality and passing the object as a reference.