m maintaining a project, that has to be compatible through PHP 4.X to 5.2. The project as several errors wich are not very well handled.
What I want to do is redirect user to a "nice" error page, and log the error in the database. In order to keep track of the user, the file, and the error message. Here is what I've tried so far:
*My function to handle errors
function myErrorHandler( $errno , $errstr , $errfile="nofile" , $errline=0 , $errcontextArray=NULL ){
if (!isset($errno)|!isset($errstr)) {
if (!mysql_ping()) {
require '../Connection/databaseinfo.php';
$id_user = $_SESSION['ident'];
$errstr = GetSQLValueString($errstr, "text");
$errfile = GetSQLValueString($errfile, "text");
$errline = GetSQLValueString($errline, "int");
$sql = "insert into error_history
(id_user, message, file, line)
values ($id_user, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)";
mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error());
// header("location:error.php"); ---> I can't (see comment below)
echo "<script type='text/javascript'> window.location.href='error.php';</script>";//Redirection dégueulasse //TODO: trouver mieux
return true;
Why not header()
? Because the error can be triggered anywhere in a page, and thus, having the headers already sent.
Why not header()
along with obstart(), ob_flush()
? Because there are lot of pages already in production, and I can't modify them all.
My questions are:
This is how to handle fatal errors in php 5.2:
function shutDownFunction() {
$error = error_get_last();
if($error['type'] >= 1){
mail('cc@cc.de', 'Error: XY',"Error msg:"."Server Error:".implode("\n", $error));