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MVC T4 MvcTextTemplateHost and Customized "Controller" T4 Template

I am creating my own custom T4 Template that integrates with an ADO.NET Entity Framework Model (.edmx file) included in my MVC Web Application.

For Reference

Please take a brief look at the following two URLs.

  1. Scott Hanselman - "T4 Code Generation Visual Studio Best Kept Secret"
  2. Visual Web Developer Team Blog - Quick Start Guide for ASP.NET MVC Developers

Short Description of What I am trying to Achieve

Use the T4 engine to generate the MVC Controller class with Action methods based on the ADO.NET Entity Framework Model's Primary Key(s).

What I Have Right Now

  1. MVC T4 Template files (e.g.,,, etc...) have been included as part of my MVC Web Project.
  2. I have an ADO.NET Entity Framework MyModel.edmx file in the "Models" folder.

Based on the Controller name (e.g. "ProductController"), I want to retrieve the [System.Type] information of the "Product" class from the ADO.NET Entity Framework model. I want to be able to retrieve System.Type information the same way as the MVC View T4 files (e.g. as below.

MvcTextTemplateHost mvcHost = (MvcTextTemplateHost) (Host);
Type type = mvcHost.ViewDataType;

Final Goal

I want to create the Controller method code-generation to read Primary Key information and etc from the ADO.NET Entity Framework Class via Reflection
generate basic CRUD operations and method signatures for EDIT, DETAILS, ADD operations etc...

Where I am Stuck

However, as you can see from Quick Start Guide for ASP.NET MVC Developers article, I cannot retrieve [System.Type] for Controller T4 Template because the MvcTextTemplateHost class exposes only ViewDataType property for creating MVC Views.

My attempt to retrieve the [System.Type] by the following technique is NOT working because the modelType is being returned as null meaning it can't find the type.

Type modelType = Type.GetType(modelFullyQualifiedName, false, true);

I am assuming that this happens because the Entity Framework Model is included as part of my MVC Web Project and not included as part of a compiled .DLL library assembly.

Some Things that Will Help Me Find the Solution

  1. Where do I find the Source Code for the MvcTextTemplateHost class? If I can find at least the DLL file, I can probably look at how the code loads the Type information entered in the Visual Studio "Add View" dialog window.
  2. Is there a way to dynamically retrieve System.Type information of a Class included in the Visual Studio project from my T4 Template through the Visual Studio IDE API?

I would really appreciate if anyone can help me on this topic as this will allow me to generate 75% of the code for MVC Controller Action Methods for ADD,EDIT,DETAILS, etc.. and basic CRUD operation code.


    1. You can use Reflector to decompile source code of MvcTextTemplateHost from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.Extensions.dll assembly.

    2. Yes, you can load type metadata from a Visual Studio using CodeModel. However, you may be better off reading it from the edmx file directly. Either way, this is a substantial task. There may be a usable example of how to do this in the form of EF T4 template in VS 2010.