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NerdTree copy command in Windows 7

I don't see the menu option for Copy command. Here is the menu that I see on my Windows 7 machine:

NERDTree Menu. Use j/k/enter and the shortcuts indicated
> (a)dd a childnode
  (m)ove the curent node
  (d)elete the curent node

According to the plugin documentation, the Copy command is not supported on all platforms.

A textual filesystem menu is provided which allows you to create/delete/move file 
and directory nodes as well as copy (for supported OSs)

Has anybody managed to get this to work in Windows?


  • The root cause for the issue is discussed in detail(rather colorfully) in this blog post.(ht romainl). I managed to find a solution by using the cp.exe shipped with msygit.

    Ensure cp.exe is in your path

    The cp.exe file can be found in <GIT_HOME>\bin directory. My path didn't not contain the <GIT_HOME>\bin directory. So I copied cp.exe and msys-1.0.dll to a directory in my path.

    Set the g:NERDTreeCopyCmd variable

    Add the line below to the end of the _vimrc file

    let g:NERDTreeCopyCmd= 'cp -r '

    Fix the implementation of s:Path.copy function.

    Replace the lines 2297-2299 of ~/vimfiles/bundle/nerdtree/plugin/NERD_tree.vim (assuming you used pathogen for managing vim plugins)

    • Replace the lines 2297-2299

        let dest = s:Path.WinToUnixPath(a:dest)
        let cmd = g:NERDTreeCopyCmd . " " . escape(self.str(), s:escape_chars) . " " . escape(dest, s:escape_chars)
    • With the lines below

        let dest = a:dest
        let cmd = 0
        if s:running_windows
            let cmd = g:NERDTreeCopyCmd . '"' . self.str() . '" "' . dest . '"'
            let cmd = g:NERDTreeCopyCmd . " " . escape(self.str(), s:escape_chars) . " " . escape(dest, s:escape_chars)