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Minimum Lexicographic Rotation Using Suffix Array

    Consider a string of length n (1 <= n <= 100000). 
    Determine its minimum lexicographic rotation. 
    For example, the rotations of the string “alabala” are:








    and the smallest among them is “aalabal”.

This is the problem from ACM ICPC 2003 .This problem has already been asked in stack flow by some other user.[But that wasn't useful as , I want to do it by suffix Array.]

How to do this problem using the Suffix Array?

Till Now what I had done??

(1) Lets say the given string is S.

I concatenated the string S with itself to get a string S'.

ie. S'=S+S.

(2).Then I found the suffix array of S' in O(nlog n )time.

For example:

Suffix No. Index    Suffixes

0       13      a
1       6       aalabala
2       9       abala
3       2       abalaalabala
4       11      ala
5       4       alaalabala
6       7       alabala
7       0       alabalaalabala
8       10      bala
9       3       balaalabala
10      12      la
11      5       laalabala
12      8       labala
13      1       labalaalabala

So I calculated the suffix-array SA well ,SA[]={13,6,9,2,11,4,7,0,10,3,12,5,8,1}.

Also I calculated the LCPs b/w every suffixes [Although i am not confident that I will require it in this problem].

Now How to proceed further.How to use SA to get a desired result?

Explanation with a very *small example will be quite effective.



  • It seems that you should take first suffix in SA, which index is between 0 and length(S) - 1.

    Some explanation: all rotations of S are in the beginning of S' suffixes from positions between 0 and length(S) - 1. Suffix array keeps suffixes in lexicographical order, so you just need to pick the first one which begins from rotation of S.