I'm having an issue with Firefox and the JPlayer (I think its the same problem in IE9): whenever I try to play a video in Firefox I get the following error in the console and the video wont play:
"Content-Type" HTTP of "application/octet-stream" is not supported.
well, translating, it means "Content-Type" HTTP of "app/octet-stream" is not supported. Load of media resources "name" failed.
It works fine in Chrome though. For what I have researched, it looks like that firefox has some problems with mime types and wont load anything that has octet-stream in it. However, I havent found a way to solve this. I read that I must declare the mime types in the IIS config. But I don't know how to make it work while debugging.
well, my problem was solved for firefox, apparently I had to supply only mv4 type instead of the basic mv4, ogv and webmv.
new jPlayerPlaylist({
jPlayer: "#jquery_jplayer_2",
cssSelectorAncestor: "#jp_container_2"},
messageVideos ,
swfPath: '@Url.Content("~/Scripts/Jplayer.swf")',
supplied: "m4v"(used to pass "mv4", "ogv", "webmv")});