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Tumblr custom domain/CNAME

I have a blog on Tumblr ( which uses the custom domain Yesterday I shortly deactivated the custom domain on Tumblr to export content.

When I tried reactivating the custom domain on Tumblr it did not work anymore and it looks like they changed the way you have to set up things on your domain provider, so I had to fiddle with things over there. I managed to change the IP so that it points to Tumblr.

When you open you get to Tumblr, but not my blog. The Tumblr settings page is giving me the following message when I test the domain.

I just want to make sure that this isn't a problem with the way I have set up things on my provider, but simply the waiting period of up to 72 hours. Tumblr's FAQ is not a very great help to me nor did my research on Google bring me any further on understanding how to set up a CNAME.

This is what the panel for changing records looks like on my provider. What exactly do I have to change/fill in to so that Tumblr can read the CNAME?

Name, TTL, Type, Priority, Value

See Image


  • I had exactly the same problem just a couple of days ago. Though it's back to normal now so I suggest waiting until tomorrow; it should resolve itself :)